by JadeMoon | Jun 29, 2020 | accessories, red, style
Philosophical question: can one paint the town red whilst staying at home? @bibstyling @gracious_beauty_ #jademoonstyle more ideas in red hues and fun prints…
by JadeMoon | Jun 29, 2020 | accessories, style, trending
This winter, you can dress your jeans any way you like with our warm winter colours and matching accessories… #jademoonstyle #linden #boutique
by JadeMoon | Feb 17, 2020 | auburn, brick, florals, new stock, rust, style, terracotta
Beautiful autumn colours🍁 #jademoonstyle #librephotography #cooteandwench #victoriayards
by JadeMoon | Nov 19, 2019 | bright summer, cool blues, events, new stock, style, summer whites, trending
What an amazing day with beautiful models Storm, Ntombie, Lerato and Suné in a beautiful setting, shooting for our website. Thank you Coote&Wench for the use of your studio and surrounds, and our talented photographer, Libré! More on Summer Trends…...
by JadeMoon | Nov 9, 2019 | accessories, events, style, trending, workshops
A fun evening was had on the 9th November. JadeMoon founder Leana Duffus with Marinda Aucamp, Wardrobe Stylist & Guest Speaker from Barefoot in Burgundy. Useful tips on putting a signature look together, using JadeMoon’s stylish range of clothing and...
by JadeMoon | Oct 9, 2019 | events, style, workshops
E M B R A C E your S H A P E &S T Y L E – practical and hands-on6 November 2019 Join us for an evening of liberating Truth and one-on-one advice on what suits your shape and personal style. ABSOLUTELY NO PRESSURE to buy anything. What is so great about this...